Pastoral Ministry
For us SMMI to evangelize is to proclaim Jesus of the Gospel, the unique Savior, sent by the Father who loves us and wants all humanity to be saved. By the witness of our life and proclamation of the Word we help them
- To have a living faith in God
- To enter the ecclesial community
– To become evangelizer in their turn so that the universe will become a world of love.
- Catechesis: We collaborate with the diocesan trust and work with the local Church. We are involved in youth ministry, Sunday Catechesis, Basic Christian communities and Sacramental preparation for children, youth, and adults and for marriage rectification and communion service for the aged and sick.
- Village/Family Apostolate: Family visits are our priority in all the missions. We promote Christian values and build harmonious families.
- Inter religious dialogue and Ecumenism: In our neighborhood we live in a dialogue of life with the people of other faith. We celebrate common festivals with people of other faith as well. Ecumenical week is celebrated in communion with other Christian denominations.
- Salesian Group: We share our Salesian spirituality with the people in the parishes and form Salesian groups encouraging the laity to live their Christian vocation to holiness as Daughters of St. Francis de Sales, Sons of St. Francis de Sales and Couples of St. Francis de Sales. They work in collaboration in pastoral activities. We have priests of St. Francis de Sales to assist the members in their spiritual life.