Socio-welfare ministry
Fr. Henri Chaumont, the Founder, sent the pioneers to the missions with this vision “Go and tell the women, there is for them as for you a right to human dignity …” Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (SMMI) are called and challenged by Jesus, the Liberator, to restore the dignity of women, empower them and form them to be leaders in their milieu.
- Empowerment of women and girl children: We organize and empower women through vocational and skill training programs, legal awareness, self-help groups and credit society, avail Government and non-government schemes, supplementary classes for the tribal children and organize income generating programs.
- Home for aged and handicapped: This institution is established in the year 1890 by our pioneers to provide a home, a place of love and protection for the physically challenged and the aged irrespective of caste and creed. The Home provides facilities – medical and social assistance, education and rehabilitation, skill training, job opportunities and ensures holistic development of disabled children and adult. The elderly destitute of the society are provided a Home where they feel accepted and cared for.
- Boarding and Hostel: We have six boardings and a hostel for the girls where they are provided facilitates for their holistic development. The girls are from rural areas, single parent and economically backward families. Along with formal education, we focus on developing leadership skills, instill social harmony and patriotic spirit. The hostel provides facility for working women and for the girls pursuing higher studies.