Maharashtra Unit
SMMI Sisters work in four Dioceses namely Nagpur, Amravati, Vasai and Mumbai.
Nagpur Archdiocese is the first mission soil of SMMI in India. At present Nagpur province has 8 communities in the Archdiocese.
Foundation: 25th March 1890
Pioneers: Mother Marie Gertrude, Mother Marie de Kostka, Sr. Joseph of the Visitation and Sr. Madeline of the Blessed Sacrament are the pioneers.
Present Ministries:
- Participation in the pastoral activities such as youth group, Basic Christian Community and Small Christian Community, teaching catechism in the parishes.
- Family visits in the neighborhood
- Promoting education of the girls through boarding and hostel specially for single parent, slum areas and economically backward families
- Education:
- English and Hindi medium school for girls from nursery to class X. Preference is given to students coming from weaker section of the society.
- Diploma in Education: two years course to prepare future teachers not only with academic excellence but providing value based education.
- Providing hosts for Nagpur diocese and neighboring dioceses.

Foundation: 8th February 1890
Pioneers: Mother Marie Gertrude, Mother Marie de Kostka, Sr. Joseph of the Visitation and Sr. Madeline of the Blessed Sacrament are the pioneers.
Present ministries:
- Participation in the pastoral activities such as youth group, Basic Christian Community, Small Christian Community and teaching catechism in the parishes.
- Family visits in the neighborhood
- A home for abandoned old men and women
- Physically and mentally handicapped children and youth are sheltered and rehabilitated through normal education, vocational training, and Physical rehabilitation through corrective surgery, supply of orthopedic appliances, physio and occupational therapy.

Foundation: 5th November 1892
Present ministries:
- Participation in the pastoral activities such as Basic Christian Community, and Small Christian Community.
- Family visits in the neighbourhood
- Nursing home promotes sacredness of life through skilled quality healthcare.
- Prenatal and postnatal care are available at concessional rate for women specially from the poor strata of the society
- Immunization for children in collaboration with the Nagpur Municipal Corporation
- Various Governmental Schemes are made available for expecting mothers.

Foundation: 16th June 1954
Pioneers: Sr. Marie Ange, Sr. Mary Agnes and Sr. Mary Pius
- Participation in the pastoral activities: teaching catechism in the parish, forming prayer groups, women’s groups and Basic Christian Communities.
- Formation of Salesian group
- Teaching in the Parish school
- Family visits in the neighborhood
Foundation: 7th November 1977
Pioneers: Sr. Juliette, Sr. Gertrude, Sr. Mary Heneriette and Sr. Mary Bernard
Present ministries:
- Participation in the pastoral activities: teaching Catechism in the parish
- Family visits in the neighborhood
- Education: English medium school from nursery to class X. Preference is given to students coming from weaker section of the society.

Foundation: 13th July 1980
Pioneers: Sr. Mary Agnes Joseph, Sr. Elizabeth Francis, Sr. Elizabeth Trinity, Sr. Shalini George, Sr. Anita George, Sr. Maria Celine, and Sr. Denise were pioneers.
Present ministries:
- Administration and animation of the province
- Formative programs for Aspirants, Juniors and ongoing formation: Retreats and seminars
- Participation in the pastoral activities: teaching Catechism in the parish, and participation in the Basic Christian Communities.
- Family visits in the neighborhood
- Teaching in the Providence School and D.Ed. College

Foundation: 7th March 1984
Pioneers: Sr. Clare Agnes, Sr. Juliette and Sr. Sarita Rose.
Present ministries:
- Participation in the pastoral activities:
- Preparing children and adult for the reception of Sacraments,
- Animation of youth group and women’s group
- Formation of Basic Christian Community and Small Christian Community
- Teaching Catechism in the parish
- Family visits in the neighborhood and participation in the celebration of festivals of the people
- Formation and follow up of Salesian group.
Foundation: 25 January 1990
Pioneers: Sr. Lilly Francis and Sr. Mecktilda Therese
Present Ministries:
- Empowerment of women and girl children
- Counseling cell for women and families in distress
- Slum and rural development program
- Conducting life skill trainings: tailoring, garment making, beauty culture for women and young girls
- Collaboration with other Non-government agencies
- Awareness programs on social issues affecting women and the marginalized groups
- Sisters continue to visit the families, organize women and youth in the parish
- Participation in the celebration of festivals of the people

Foundation: 7 July, 1954
Pioneers: Sr. Thomas Maria and Sr. Bridgit Maria
Present Ministries:
- Medical aid: Especially for the snake-bite patients and outpatient department for all the people in the surrounding villages
- Participation in the pastoral activities:
- Preparing children and adult for the reception of Sacraments,
- Teaching Catechism in the parish
- Animation of youth and women’s group
- Family visits in the neighborhood and participation in the celebration of festivals of the people
Foundation: 06 January 1983
Pioneering members: Sr. Mary Dorothy, Sr. Caroline Mariam, Sr. Deepti, Sr. Assumpta Xavier and Sr. Cecily Therese
Present Ministries:
- Participation in all the parish activities:
- Distribution of the Holy Communion to the sick, visit to the families,
- Catechesis for children and preparing people for sacraments
- Participation in Basic Christian Communities and Small Christian Communities prayers.
- Nursery for the children of the locality.
- Family visits in the neighborhood

Foundation: 18 November 1991
Pioneers: Sr. James, Sr. Cecily Antoinette and Sr. Caroline Mariam
Present Ministries:
- Empowerment of women and Kathkari tribe
- Involvement in 13 tribal villages having 30 self-help groups. 450 women are involved in Self Help Group in Bank savings.
- Through the SHG`s women are empowered to avail Govt, schemes and make use of it for Income Generation.
- They have become more confident and are able to handle their Wadi (Village ) issues by themselves such as Ration, Water problem, they are approaching to the concerned departments and meet the Officers i.e. Gramsevaks, Talati, Sarpanch, Tahasildhar, Food Officer, Tribal Development Officers, Block Development Officers, Banks, and follow up of their applications.
- Supplementary Classes: 10 tribal villagesSupplementary classes are conducted regularly where children from the age group of 3-18 are prepared in order to pursue primary school education with the help of local teachers, and are aimed at providing additional help to the Kathkari children studying in standard 1st to 4th so that they can cope with the other students in the local Zilla Parishad (Government) school.
- Teacher’s training: Every month at Asha Kiran centre teachers are given training on various topics such as child psychology and joyful method of teaching.
- Boarding: To promote Girls` education Asha Kiran has started a girl’s boarding in year 2000
- Education: English medium school from nursery to class X. Preference is given to students coming from weaker section of the society and especially tribal.
Foundation: 15 July, 1963
Pioneers: Sr. Therese Maria and Sr. Rita James
Present Ministries:
- Education: English and Hindi medium school from nursery to class X. Preference is given to students coming from weaker section of the society.
- Participation in the pastoral activities: teaching Catechism in the parish, formation of prayer groups, women’s groups and Basic Christian Communities.
- Formation and follow up of Salesian group
- Family visits in the neighborhood