Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him”. Mk 1/17
We Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate live our vocation following the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales. Our missionary vocation calls us to respond to the universal mission of the Church today. Formation enables the individual to realize the joy of being captured by the person of Christ and responding through integral growth toward the configuration with Christ. We focus on the integral development of the individuals.
Goal of formation is to live Jesus, to be Mary and to be sent for the universal mission of the Church.
Stages of formation consist in Aspirancy, Postulancy, Novitiate, Juniorate and ongoing formation.
Initial formation:
Aspirancy: It is time where the Candidates get acquainted with the life of the Institute. They are helped to discern their call to religious life and clarify their motivation. During this period they learn language and skills are provided for their overall development and get acquainted with different cultures.
The Postulant participate in the Institute’s missionary activities thus experiencing the joy of self-giving.
Novitiate is the privileged time to deepen their personal encounter with God and it prepares them for their commitment to religious life, for living the Evangelical Counsels.
Temporarily Professed:
It is an intense time of formation for mission during which the religious consecration is lived in a deeper sense in a community through a creative fidelity to the Charism and special attention to a personal integrated growth.
Ongoing formation
Ongoing formation is to keep aglow the flame of consecration for mission. It is continued throughout their lives taking into account the rapid changes in today’s world.
We welcome young girls who are enthusiastic to consecrate their lives to God and commit themselves to empower women, poor and creation.