Fr. Henry Chaumont was born in Paris (France) on 11th December 1838, of Piere Chaumont and of Anne Korsten. At the age of 16, he entered the Seminary of Versailes. Along with other studies he continued his personal study of the doctrine of SFS especially the Introduction to the Devout life. He was ordained on 17th January 1864 in the Church of St. Sulpice in Paris. The hearing of confessions and the directing of souls on the path of sanctity were a form of ministry, which became predominant in the life of Fr. Chaumont. From the beginning itself, according to the needs of the people and the Church, he used to form different Associations and groups. He was convinced that only a woman can easily approach another woman and he had the great desire to form groups of women living in the world, wearing no special habit, taking no vows, ready to proceed on the way of evangelical perfection, according to the spiritual friendship and a rule of life inspired by the Introduction to the Devout Life. One day, in 1869, when he was at his confessional, Madam Carre de Malberg in deep mourning came for confession. He had an intuition that God had sent her with a special purpose. Later both of them together realized the plan of founding a Society called Daughters of St. Francis de Sales. He placed the Society under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales. From 1869 to 1896 Fr. Chaumont gave himself to performing many good works, in bringing people to God and taking God to people, especially through his spiritual families. He fulfilled his dream of empowering women by sending the daughters to different countries. The first missionaries were sent to Nagpur, India.
Associations founded by Fr. Chaumont
- Christian teachers association
- Catechesis for the children and youth.
- Building up unity among the Christian teachers
- Christian women’s associations – Evangelization of women and families by women
- Association of baptism – To prepare the children and adults for baptism.
- Association for the sick – To take care of the sick through service and also preparing them for a holy death
- Association of St Genevieve: to help young women who choose to be single, to grow morally and spiritually.
- Association to help the seminarians – To help the seminarians with material help to pursue their studies.
- Association for the servants of priests – To assist the priests in all the services of the Church
On 15th October 1896 he accomplished his earthly journey.

Madam Carre de Malberg (Caroline Barbara Colchen) was born in Metz (France) in 1829, at the age of 20 she was married to a young officer called Captain Paul Carre de Malberg. They had 4 children among them 3 died in an early age, which cost deep grief and she longed for spiritual help. Unexpectedly she met Fr. Chaumont, who welcomed her with kindness and she choose him as her spiritual guide. Having come to know Madam Carre’s disposition, Fr. Chaumont advised her to gather a few of her friends to live a life more devotedly according to the teaching of St. Francis de Sales. Madam Carre and two of her companions met regularly in depth sharing and prayer. In one of such meeting Fr. Chaumont revealed to his spiritual daughters of his resolution to start an Association under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales, called as Daughters of St. Francis de Sales. On 15th October 1872 Fr. Chaumont, Madame Carre and her two friends gathered in a house in Paris. After praying together for some time father read to them the rule of the Daughters of SFS. This was the Birthday of the Society of Daughters of St. Francis de Sales. From the beginning Fr. Chaumont considered Madam Carre as the Co-Foundress of the Society and she played a great role in its development as its first directress. Her missionary spirit and the important role that she played for the departure of Catechist Missionaries of Mary Immaculate to the missions is significant.

Mother Marie Gertrude (Felicie Gros) was born on 27th March 1850 in Paris. In 1868 while entering the church in St. Marcel to pray, she went near a lady who was selling candles, books etc. seeing the book “Introduction to Devout Life” on the stand, she enquired from her if the book was interesting. The lady answered that Fr. Chaumont the assistant parish priest recommended it much. After having read the first chapter Felicie went to the confessional of Fr. Chaumont and asked him to hear her general confession. In 1874 she joined the Society of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales to become the member of the Society and started her formation, and on 29th January 1875 she made her Consecration. From the very first year of the Society the Founder awakened among the members a missionary enthusiasm. Mother Marie Gertrude was the first to propose herself for the mission. On 1st April 1889, Bishop Riccaz invited the CMMI (Catechist Missionaries of Mary Immaculate) sisters from Paris, France to the mission of Nagpur, India. On 2nd November 1889 Mother Marie Gertrude with her 3 companions, Mother Marie de Kostka, Sr. Madeleine and Sr. Joseph arrived at Nagpur. On 25th March 1890 Bishop Riccaz offered a Bangalow in the European quarters to Mother Marie Gertrude and companions.
Mother Marie Gertrude spent the rest of her life (16 years) in India living a radical missionary life, animating missions in other countries. She build up patiently and carefully the edifice of her missionaries the religious and community life, making it flexible, so as to adapt itself easily to the most variable circumstances and exigencies of modern times and basing it upon obedience and fraternal love. On 18th March 1905, she finally rested in the Lord. The mortal remains of Mother Marie Gertrude rest in the chapel of the house of Mary Immaculate, Nagpur and on her tomb is engraved the cry of her heart,
Chronological Data of Mother Marie Gertrude
Birth: 27.03.1850 in Paris
Parents: Mr. Francois Eugine Gros (Director of Mazas prison) and Agnes Leonie Poissant (house wife)
08.03. 1855: Death of her father Eugine Gros, Mother is forced to take up a job in the prison as a supervisor.
03.07.1963 First Holy Communion at St. Medard’s church
1863: Received a medal of honor from the Association of Elementary Instruction for best pianist
1868: Special encounter with the Lord – Do you accept everything that happens to you? Felicie replied, “Yes” my Jesus
1868: Search for a spiritual guide after the death of her first spiritual father, Fr. Croze. Search for spiritual books – buys Introduction to Devout life
May 1869 – First meeting with Fr. Henri Chaumont the future founder of DSFS
14.09.1871 Pilgrimage to Montmartre – first act of Consecration made in the church of St. Peter at the altar of old Calvary
1873 joined the Society of DSFS and was named Sr. Marie Gertrude
29.01.1875 Consecration as Daughter of St. Francis De Sales and received the name Sr. Marie Gertrude de Jesus-Hostie later changed into Sr. Marie Gertrude of Precious blood.
08.12.1887 MMG opting to go for the Mission
04.10.1889 Missionaries received blessings from Archbishop Richard.
“My dear daughters, I give you the mission.” He presented the altar stone which is at the altar of Mary Immaculate, Nagpur
12.10.1889 Departure from France for the Mission in India. Fr. Chaumont blessed them and gave the statue of virgin who would protect them on their long ocean voyage.
29.10.1889 Arrival in Bombay
02.11.1889 Arrival in Nagpur, accommodated in Old Palace of Raja Bhosale
06.11.1889 Entrusted with the mission of poor house for the lepers, blind, deaf, mentally derailed, destitute by Bishop Riccaz
08.02.1890 Official beginning of the dispensary and asylum for lepers
25.03.1890 Moved to the new bungalow- house of Mary Immaculate
17.02.1892 entrusted with the school at the Old Place
Starting of the asylum for widows at Tulsibag
02.01.1893 First Missionary expedition – first village to be visited was Paten Sounghi
1896 Visit to the new mission of Dhaka
1900 Opening of the mission of Kumbakonam
1901 Opening of the mission of Tranquabar
1903 Obedience demands her departure for China to help the sisters
1904 Last retreat preached at Kumbkonam
1905 Travels to Dhaka where she becomes seriously ill
18.03.1905 Left for her eternal reward and the beatific vision
13.12.2012 Opening of the Cause of Mother Marie Gertrude at Diocesan inquiry in SFS Cathedral Nagpur. Declared as Servant of God
25.01.2015 Exhumation
29.11.2017 Closing of the Diocesan inquiry and submission of documents
02.11.2019 Inauguration of the Museum of Servant of God Sr. Marie Gertrude Gros.